It’s That Time of Year Again…

…when I rant about not having enough time for anything, when I wish I had the foresight to plan ahead, when I not only cram for gifts but cram to finish as much work for the year so I can eventually relax somewhere away from the hustle and bustle.  Nothing has changed, and I’m off once again to another whirlwind vacation, this time with the family.  It’s gonna be a great, cold Christmas, I can feel it already.  So I guess, I’ll be back next year.

As for the gifts, it really isn’t all about it…

Christmas-2013Credits:  Papers by Tammy Circeo Designs and Tree by Deborah Kitching of Crafty Queen.  All from the Christmas Treasures kit.

Yes, it really isn’t about it at all.  Here’s Pentatonix with an awesome rendition of “Angels We Have Heard on High”.  Enjoy!

Glory to God in the highest!  Merry Christmas to you and yours.

The Greatest Gift of our Lives

Wasn’t it just Christmas?  Time flies, doesn’t it?

I am quiet here, as it is every year during this season — catching up with reunions, celebrations and the buying and giving of gifts are my reasons, as always.  So I hope you don’t mind the silence.  I however, have not forgotten to drop by to greet you, my dear friends, a joyful Christmas.


Credits: Alphas by Erica Made; Paper by Sara McCarthy’s RA Ink Design Co.; Frame by Sweet Sunshine.

Let’s not forget the greatest gift this season and the real reason for celebrating.  We are the reason Jesus gave his life, we are the reason He suffered and died… so let’s try to give back to Him and to the people around us, even to those we don’t know.

I leave you with something to reflect in this Christmas.  Have a blessed Christmas, everyone!!

Christmas Like A Child

Credits:  Christmas Treasures Bloghop kit.  Papers from PWD, S Lane AT Snow, S Kelly D-Treasure dots;  Elements from Nadi Designs frame, SFj, T Circeo Dicken’s Word Art, Jaki A Red scallop border, C Queen border 02.

Do you ever get side tracked by life in general?  It has been my story lately.  There were too many on my plate – work and the routine of Christmas shopping, get-together etc.  So busy has my life been that I felt that Christmas just came too quickly.  I didn’t get the chance to look forward to it.  I remember when I was a child and I would always enjoy Christmas because of the festivities that goes with it – the parties, the decoration and the gifts, they all culminated into one huge celebration, Christmas dinner and then Nochebuena.  I also remember the excitement going to Cubao would bring.  I  can imagine now how a nightmare it must have been but we’d be with the crowd to witness this splendid, mechanized decoration at the COD department store.  At that time this was huge for us kids when theme parks were practically unheard of and Disneyland is this fantasy far, far away.  This was the next best thing, I guess – this just aged me, I know   :-D.  Because things were simpler than, we were easy to please.  Those were fun times…

I chanced on this Christmas song that describes my thoughts succinctly and I instantly fell in love with it.  Written and performed by my favorite Christian band, Third Day, it is about feeling Christmas like a child and how it used to be.  But more importantly, it reminded me of the baby child born for us.  That baby asleep in the straw is the reason for the celebration and that, my friends, should be the true essence of Christmas.  Honor it in your heart and try to keep the spirit all year round.  Have a joyful Christmas everyone!

Christmas Like a Child

by Third Day

I want to feel Christmas, how it used to be
With all of its wonder falling on me
This season has felt so empty, oh for quite a while
I want to feel Christmas like a child

I want to see snowflakes fall to the ground
My brothers and sisters all gathered around
Singing “Away In A Manager” as we sit by the fire
I want to feel Christmas like a child

It’s been so long now, I can’t say
Just when I lost my way
But I’m going back to how it was
When this day meant everything
And we spent our time remembering
The baby Child born for us

It’s all about Jesus, asleep in the straw
This infant, this King, this Savior for all

So I don’t need bells to be ringing
‘Cause I’ll join with angels singing
And I can feel Christmas like a child
I want to feel Christmas like a child…